fd   Mirror Dribbling and Dribbling Relay fd

Tactical Problem:  how can effective dribbling aid in movement with basket ball.
Skill development: different types of dribbling, dribbling while running

Mirror Dribbling

Organizational Points:
- have every student grab a ball and form a circle around the teacher.
- Students mimic teacher
-high, low slow, fast, side to side dribbling

Teaching Points: 

Tactic:  better dribbling equals better performance
: Dribbling technique

Home Page
 mirror dribbling                                          Teacher or skilled student at center of circle leading


Dribbling Relay

Organizational Points:

-Divide class into teams of 4 or 5
-have them dribble with left then right then alternating hands

Tactic:  how does dribbling allow me to move quickly down the floor.

Skill:  Dribbling while running