
Tactical Problem:
Skill development: Moving to space  to become availiable for a pass.

Teaching Points: 

Tactic: using all the space in the grid to maximize the passing opportunities.

Skill: Passing with instep and outstep. 

Prepatory: Good base position from which all movements are generated.

Wind up: Extend the thigh at the hip. Look where you want to pass the ball to.

Force Generation: Flex the thigh at the hip. Lean into the shot. Follow through with the striking foot.

Recovery: Get into a base position which will allow you to run, turn and or stop, depending on  the play of the game.




Organizational Points: Three players on each team, one player from each team is in the end zone. After a goal is scored, the endzone player switches with his/her teammate who scored the goal. Grid size is about 10meters x 10meters.
