Grid Tag

Tactical Problem: How do we create angles to gain an advantage and how do we defend an area.

Skill development: To develop agility and affective movement on the playing field both offensively and defensively.

Exercise Objective:
  • In a group move the frisbee disks to the open team-mate. Groups of four with 1 person as the coach. The 3 other members work on passing to the open cone and the coach gives the feedback using a task card.
  • Progression I: The coach is introduced as a defender of the empty cone and the defender must mark players with the frisbee. If the defender causes a turnover he/she switches to offence.
  • Progression II: The "coach" is now the hunted. The goal is to tag the single player in the middle. The offence must stay on the grid pattern lines, straight up/down, left/right and diagonals.  
Organizational Points:

Get class into groups of 4 and the team chooses a "coach" to begin.

Set up the grids with 4 cones.


  • Decrease the playing size (forces offensive player to work on changing direction and pace more).


  • Choose a bean bag or a ball instead of the frisbee to throw.