Quadrant Work

Tactical Problem: No more Amoebas. Moving to space to receive a pass.

Skill development: To move into space with the use of direction changes and pace changes.

Exercise Objectives: 
  • Move around the quadrant space with a partner while avoiding other groups. Move by passing the Frisbee to the moving partner and use a variety of short and long passes, fakes and change of direction.

Teaching Cues:

  • Keep head up to avoid collision with other players.
  • Aim for partners extended target hands
  • Offender varies change of pace and direction to lose defender. Use fakes and arm movement to lose defender.






Organizational Points: 

Groups: Get class into pairs

  • Set boundaries if outside and it is a large area.
  • Teacher signals starts and stops.


  • Decrease the playing size (forces offensive player to work on changing direction and pace more).
  • Create a competition. Between partners keep score, +1 point for a good pass, -1 for a poor pass. 


  • Start with walking pace and progress to quicker pace.

