Tactical Problem: how to effectively elude defenders, invade opposition space (angle passing), use space effectively and score.

          Skill development: passing, trapping with feet and passing and catching with hands, supporting

Exercise Objectives: 


  • invade opposition territory by either carrying ball or dribbling with feet

  • score in opponents goal by kicking the ball through designated areas

  • emphasize angle passing and passing to space


  • passing and trapping with feet

  • throwing and catching

  • communication - calling for the ball

  • running and faking

Organizational Points:


  • soccer field - 7 vs. 7 

  • score by successfully kicking ball (inside 18 m box) into goal (1 point) or by kicking ball above goal, but must be between the goal posts (2 points)

  • soccer rules apply for ball out of bounds and foul play i.e. red card, yellow card, free kick etc.

  • to handle with hands receiver must catch a kicked ball where upon they receive a free pass - option to kick, dribble or run with ball in hand.

  • turnover results if person is tagged below waist with ball in hand- result is free ball to opposing team - kick, dribble, run.

  • if ball is played with feet, soccer rules apply

  • play 2 games for a regular sized class