Content will be broken down progressively for tactical understanding and skill development (Hopper, 1998).  The relationship will be basic skill to play, then from game play to skill development and back to more challenging game play (Thorpe and Bunker, 1989).  Skills will be broken down into off-the-ball movements and on-the-ball skills (Griffin, Mitchell & Oslin, 1997).
Tactical Problems
On-the-ball skills
Off-the-ball movements
Scoring (offense)
  • Setting up to attack: 

  • Positioning



  • Stay low
  • Getting under the ball 
  • Keeping weight on the balls of the feet 
  • Knees bent, arms out in front of you, creating  a flat platform with your forearms 
  • Using the legs for power and height 
  • Don't swing arms


  • ready position - knees bent, bum down, feet slightly wider than shoulder width, arms up and out in front of body 
  • moving to the free space within the playing area 
  • reacting to ball movement 
  • Setting up to attack: 

  • Skill Execution
Forearm Pass : 
  • arms out with flat platform for pass 
  • belly button facing target 
  • power from the legs
  • no arm swing 
Volley : 
  • hands up above forehead, making a diamond shape 
  • contact ball with pads of fingers 
  • belly button facing target 
  • power from the legs, extension of arms 
  • fingers pointing up and towards target for follow through
  • Superman like finish
Serve :(underhand)
  • open hand
  • square to target
  • step with opposite foot as serve hand
  • contact ball below waiste and infront of body, out of non-serving hand

  • don't throw ball up before contacting out of non-serving hand
  • ready position 
  • move to free space 
  • align yourself with target 
  • getting yourself under the ball (push off outside leg) 
  • hands up ready to receive