
Tactical Problem: To be able to verbalize technical cues.
Skill Development: Understanding of the basic technical cues of a skill.

Teaching Points: 

Overhead Clear (forehand):

  • Non-racquet arm up (aiming, balance, trunk rotation)
  • Racket arm extension.
  • Snap the wrist.
  • Hit up.
  • Weight transfer.
  • Follow through, and back to ready position.
  • Outcome: high and deep.
Underhand Serve:
  • Drop birdie with extended non-racquet arm.
  • Racket arm extension.
  • Weight transfer (step through).
  • Snap the wrist.
  • Follow through, and back to ready position.
  • Outcome: high and deep.
Drop Shot (forehand):
  • Same as Overhead clear.
  • Stop swing at full extension and peak height
  • Outcome: short and tight to net.
Underhand Clear:
  • Same as Underhand Serve.
Net Shot (backhand & forehand):
  • Racquet parallel to the ground.
  • Lunge to birdie.
  • Lunge with racquet leg.
  • Land and strike birdie at same time.
  • Palm up for forehand, Palm down for backhand. 
  • Knife-like stab at birdie, no swing or little upward motion.
  • Back to ready position.
  • Outcome: birdie tumbles and tight to net.
  • Same as overhead clear, except hitting down.


Organizational Points:


  • Have the group in front of you.
  • Ask the group questions. Why? When? How (technical points)?
End of Class:
  • Have a non-participant lead the review.
  • Ask the group questions. Why? When? How (technical points)?