Managerial Routines

Roles of the Students:

1. To set up the nets as soon as it is possible; the teacher arrives, or until the net storage is open.

2. To take down the nets once the teacher has ended the class.

3. To have respect and be responsible for the equipment being used; racquets, birdies, nets, etc.

4. Show respect for all other players.

5. To hold racquets and birdies when asked to stop.

6. If unable to participate, they are responsible for a related task; help the teacher with evaluations, answer questions about the class, take notes and control the review at the end of each lesson, etc.

Badminton Rules:

1. If a badminton racket hits the floor, the student is responsible for 10 push ups as a         REMINDER not to do it again.  Racquets are expensive and most schools do not have the budget to replace racquets.

2. No throwing or hitting others with racquets.

3. Appropriate foot wear; court shoes or gym shoes, but no outside shoes.

4. Retrieve or replace any lost or purposeful damage to equipment.


1. Review previous skills.

2. Divide class into groups.

3. Students number themselves 1- ?.

4. Assign each number a responsibility. Example #1's get 2 racquets and a birdie, #2's go and find a space on a court.

5. Let them rally or participate in a familiar warm up task.

6. Review new material.

Class Groupings:

1. Attempt to mix up students. Not always the same pairings.

2. Every new drill, students must change partners.

3. Self selections are best, but if the group is unable to handle the responsibility or difficulties arise, you can self the groups yourself.

4. Attempt to have skilled players partnered with low skilled players.