Square Game

Tactical Problem: body positioning
Skill development: reading ball movement and reacting

Teaching Points

- position body opposite opponent
- get yourself under the ball
- playing ball to open space, to make partner move

- knees bent
- weight on balls of feet




Organizational Points:
- students pair up and number themselves 1 and 2
- # 1's get a ball from the bin
- # 2's find a square in the gym
- if there is an odd number of students just make one group of three

- ball must bounce in square
- bounce must be at head height
- must bounce ball with two hands


 1.  How do you make it easier for yourself to receive the ball?
If we stay low we can get underneath the ball to catch it.
2.  Where do you want to play the ball to make your partner move?
To an open space.

Simplification and Extensions
- if students are having trouble with this game, have them bounce the ball to their partner and catch it
- to make it a more difficult, after the students bounce the ball to a space, they have to move to outside the cone square and then move back to get ready to receive the next bounce


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