Volley Over Space Game

Tactical Problem:  Setting up to attack

Skill development: Accurate overhead pass to target

Teaching Points
  • Return to base position
  • Get behind ball/square to target
  • Anticipate direction of pass
  • Communicate with teammates
  • Ready position, feet shoulder width, on toes, head up
  • Overhead pass
  • Hands for "window"
  • Use legs to generate force
  • Follow through into "superman" position
  • Square to target
  • Lateral, front and back movements
Diagram 6

Volley Over Space Game

Organizational Points
  • Put students into threes
  • Put students into a line
  • Two students on the outside one in the middle
  • One ball
  • Student on outside starts with ball
  • Set to middle
  • Middle returns set then turns and faces other student
  • Set over middle to student on the far side
  • Repeat
  • Rotate after 10 successful sets over space by both outside students
  • Q.  How do you successfully set up an attack?
  • A.  By using the overhead pass.
  • Q.  How do you push over a long distance?
  • A.  By using your legs.
  • Q.  How do set accurately?
  • A.  By squaring to the target and following through towards the target.