Volley Refinement

Tactical Problem:  Setting up to attack

Skill development: Accurate overhead pass to teammate

Teaching Points
  • Return to base position
  • Get behind ball/square to target
  • Anticipate direction of pass
  • Communicate with teammates
  • Open up to passers
  • Ready position, feet shoulder width, on toes, head up
  • Overhead pass
  • Hands for "window"
  • Use legs to generate force
  • Follow through into "superman" position
  • Square to target
  • Set from forehead
  • Lateral, front and back movements

Diagram 8

Volley Refinement

Organizational Points
  • Put students into threes
  • One setter, one tosser, one hitter
  • Tosser tosses to setter, make the setter move a little
  • Setter sets to hitter
  • Hitter catches the ball and gives it back to the tosser
  • Rotate after five good sets
  • Q.  How do you see where the pass is coming from?
  • A.  Open shoulders to the passers.
  • Q.  How do you set accurately to the target?
  • A.  Close shoulders after the pass and square to the target.