Transition Refinement

Tactical Problem:  Setting up to attack

Skill development: Transition to attack

Teaching Points
  • Return to base position
  • Communicate with teammates
  • Movement after a pass
  • Ready position, feet shoulder width, on toes, head up
  • Quick movement to attacking position
  • Lateral, front and back movements
  • Forearm pass
  • Overhead pass

Diagram 12

Transition Refinement

Organizational Points
  • Groups of 3 on a half court
  • One tosser/setter, one passer, one passer/hitter
  • Tosser tosses free ball to the passer making him move a little
  • Passer passes back to tosser, other passer moves to attacking position
  • Tosser catches ball and throws a set for the attacker
  • Attacker approaches, jumps, catches ball and returns it to the tosser
  • Repeat
  • Rotate after five good transitions and approaches
  • Q.  How do you quickly get into position to attack?
  • A.  By anticipating that the ball will not come to you.