Hitter Free Ball Transition Practice

Tactical Problem:  Setting up to attack

Skill development: Successful transition of hitter to attack

Teaching Points
  • Transition from net to passing position to attacking position
  • Communicate with teammates
  • Setter opens up to passers
  • Ready position, feet shoulder width, on toes, head up
  • Quick movement off the net (Do not back peddle)
  • Lateral, front and back movements
  • Forearm pass
  • Overhead pass

Diagram 16

Hitter Free Ball Transition Practice

Organizational Points
  • Groups of 3 on a half court
  • One tosser, one setter, one hitter/passer
  • Hitter and setter start at the net
  • Tosser slaps ball and tosses short free ball to the hitter
  • When hitter hears the slap he backs off the net and passes to the setter
  • The setter catches the ball and returns it to the tosser
  • Q.  What does the hitter do when there is a free ball?
  • A.  Turn and move off the net to a passing position.
  • Q.  What does the setter do when there is a free ball?
  • A.  Turn and open up to the passers.