Special Thanks:
To Mme Moor's grade 6/7 class at Campus View Elementary School for allowing into your PE class to practice our teaching strategies and gain valuable field experience.
To Dr. Hopper for giving us the opportunity to get a head start on teaching experience and for all the ideas and hints presented
in his PE 452 class.
Pancake Picture
Griffin, L.L., Mitchell, S.A., & Oslin, J.L. (1997) Teaching Sport Concepts and Skills: A Tactical Games Approach.  Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Hopper, T. (2002).  Four R’s for tactical awareness: Applying game performance assessment in net/wall games from Teaching Elementary Physical Education, Fall issue, 2002.
Art Today Webpage
Best ClipArt
Dick's Volleyball Pictures Site
SACSE'S Sports Songs
Ready Position
