In our teaching experience we discovered that the following managerial routines helped us run the class much smoother. The students were kept more focused on the lesson and less focused on the distractions such as the equipment.   We found that the points listed below gave us an effective learning environment for the students.

Teacher Positioning
  • we always had the students positioned so that they had their backs to the equipment and other distractions
  • we stood in front of the students so that everybody could hear the instructions and see the demonstrations
  • while the students were performing the drills we walked around to each group making constructive comments
  • we kept an eye on the students that were clowning around to keep them focused

Clean-up and Dismissal
  • we asked the students to help us clean up and put away all of the equipment
  • after clean-up all the students sat in the middle of the gym for a short debriefing on the lesson
  • the students then lined up at the door waiting for their teacher to take them back to their classroom

Rules and Procedures
  • we made sure to give the students all of the instructions for a task before letting them get into groups or get equipment
  • when we asked them to hold the balls, everybody stopped what they were doing and paid attention to us, waiting for the next instructions
  • any ball that was on the ground not being used was to be picked up immediately and placed in the hula hoops
  • all jewelry and watches that the children were wearing were taken off and placed on the stage
