We found from our experience that the following organizational strategies helped us in keeping control of the class. These points not only ensured maximum participation and learning in the class, but they also had a lot to do with safety reasons.


  • students were instructed to find their own space in the gym where they would not come into contact with other groups
  • students were instructed to stand opposite of their partners along 2 parallel lines
  • for 3 on 3 games, the teams played games within one side of the badminton courts using line A as a 'net'
  • for 6 on 6 games, the teams played games on the badminton courts using volleyball nets

Formations and Groups

  • we placed students into pairs and then asked them to number themselves 1 and 2
  • to change partners we asked 1's to stay in their place with the ball, and 2's to find a new partner
  • for 3 on 3 games we separated them into appropriate teams based on skill level and behavior
  • for the 3 on 3 games we rotated the teams 1 court to the left to play a new opponent
  • for 6 on 6 games we lined the students up and numbered them 1-4, assigning each number to a court
  • for 6 on 6 games we rotated the teams so that each had a chance to play all the teams


  • we were lucky and had very little behavior and discipline problems
  • we concentrated on giving positive feedback to all the students
  • we gave extra attention to students whose skill levels were below average

Organizing Equipment
  • at the start of each class we had 4 hula hoops each of which contained 6 volleyballs and cones
  • these hula hoops were spread out along one side of the gym
  • therefore the students did not all run in the same direction when instructed to get the equipment
  • at the end of each lesson we asked the students to help us gather up the equipment and this made the clean-up process go much faster

Organizing for Safety

  • having the balls in the hula hoops prevented the students from tripping over the balls and injuring themselves
  • when the students came into the gym they took their jewelry and watches off and placed them in a designated spot on the stage
  • all balls that were currently not being used were placed back in the hula hoops

Diagram of Gym at Campus View Elementary

