The four unit lesson plan which we developed was aimed towards a grade 6 and 7 co-education class.  In the class we had 24 students to work with in the gym.  The objectives of this unit plan was designed for students to further understand the concepts and skills of volleyball.  The majority of our time spent with the students was used to teach them how to do a forearm pass, an overhead pass, and use space during gameplay.  The following the abilities of the students before we started teaching them (the entry abilities) and the  abilites that the students learnt (the exit abilities).

Entry Ability
  • some students had previous knowledge of the game and rules
  • few students knew the basic concepts of how to complete a pass
  • some students were able to keep the ball in a rally with a partner for a short number of times before losing control
  • all students were able to perform an underhand serve, but some more accurate than others
Fun Guy

Exit Ability
  • the students will be able to execute a forearm pass using the proper technique
  • the students will be able to execute an overhead pass using the proper technique
  • the students will be able to switch between performing a forearm pass and an overhead pass by recovering to the ready position in between each pass
  • the students will be able to communicate and execute skills during a 6 on 6 game
  • the students will learn to anticipate where the ball is going
Fun Guy 2
