Bean Bag Pick-up Task Outline

Tactical Problem:  being able to position bean bags into open space, the retrieve and again move into open space
Skill development:  getting low, pushing off with outisde foot

Teaching Points:       Tactic
  • offensive - moving oneself and bean-bags into open space
  • defensive - move into open space and retrieve back
  • getting low, mimicing passing teachnique, low center of gravity
  • push off with ouside foot, and move into open space



Organizational Points: 
  • split class into two's.  One's get three bean bags and two's get space grid.
  • one's start game off and two's chase
  • one's start by picking bean bag up and moving to one of the four corners
  • two's chase one's to same corner pick bean bag up and replace in center
  • play continues until two's catch up to one's or until teacher says "and stop"
  • bean bags must be picked up by getting low to ground and then pushing off with outside foot, place at one of four corners by getting low to ground and then pushing off
  • one's bring bean bags in and two's bring cones in