Partner Holding Ball and Tossing Ball Task Outline

Tactical Problem: being able to hit ball in a downward motion using proper technique
Skill development:  spike, spike approach, arm swing, snap downwards

Teaching Points:         Tactic
  • being able to toss ball consistently to partner
  • being able to spike ball downwards into open space using proper technique
  • hold and toss ball consistently to partner
  • spiking- approach - left-right-left or right-left-right depending on which hand student hits with
  • jump, direction arm, pull bow back, arm swing, snap wrist downwards
  • timing -  begin approach at peak of ball, begin then jump
  • ball into open space


Organizational Points: 
  • split class into two's, line students according to height, number one's and two's
  • 1.  begin with direction arm, pull back with bow, arm swing, snap wrist downwards.
  • partner holds ball while other practices this action
  • 10 each
  • 2.  partner works on approach - right handed is left-right-left, left handed is right-left-right
  • 10 trys each, one partner does task the other coaches
  • use #2 the #1 together without jump try 10 times
  • 3.  timing - partner tosses ball, other starts approach at peak and catches
  • 10 each
  • use #1, #2, #3 together approach-timing-arm swing
  • 10 each
