WALLBUMP Task Outline

Tactical Problem: to be able to place the ball on the wall, to enable your partner to get under the ball and pass using proper technique
Skill development:  toss ball to start, pass ball against wall, pass up high enough for partner to get under

Teaching Points:  Tactic
  • pass ball high for more time
  • position before ball comes down
  • passing - feet shoulder width apart and a staggered
  • no arm swing
  • drive through legs
  • flat surface, head up


Organizational Points: 
  •              one player tosses ball to wall
  •              depending on skill level, bounce can be added to extend time, skilled players no bounce, others can use a bounce at their own discretion
  •               work towards passing the ball as many times as possible
  •                make it a competition
  •                space class out on wall
  •                number students one and two
  •                switch partners after a while