Partner Continuous Bump Task Outline

Tactical Problem:  to be able to continuously pass the ball accurately with enough height to partner
Skill development:  Proper passing technique

Teaching Points:    Tactic
  • passing to partner with enough force and placement so partner is able to get under and pass ball back
  • passing - feet shoulder width apart and staggered
  • no arm swing 
  • drive through legs
  • flat surface, head up
  • square to face target


Organizational Points: 
  • player starts out by tossing ball to partner
  • ball is passed as many times as possible
  • depending on skill level bounce can be added, students can use their own discretion
  • space class out in gym
  • divide class into partners, number students one and two
  • make task a competition, see how many times each pair can keep the ball up
  • switch partners 