Shuttle Bump Task Outline

Tactical Problem:  Passing ball accurately to opposite person in line in order to keep continuous rally.
Skill development:  Passing to target

Teaching Points:   Tactic
  • pass high for time
  • relocate to end of opposing line
  • as player advances pass to side of target to make player move under the ball
  • face opposing line
  • passing - shoulder width apart and staggered
  • no arm swing 
  • drive through legs
  • flat surface, head up
  • get under ball, square to target


Organizational Points: 
  • split students into groups of six using numbered system
  • two lines of three facing each other
  • begin by tossing ball to opposing line
  • opposing line passes ball back
  • player passes ball and runs to the right side behind the opposing line
  • try passing ball continuously, team who passes longest wins
  • team who is advance has to pass to the sides of their opposing partner
  • players less advance can use a bounce