Organizational Strategies

  • utilize all space possible
  • can use badminton nets to replace V-Ball nets
Formations and Groupings
  • group by skill for competitive environment
  • can line-up students tallest to shortest to get random partners or groups
  • can also group by issuing individuals a number and making them accountable for that number eg. "one's do this, two's do this"
  • cues for students to stop performing activity such as using a whistle, or verbal cues such as "AND STOP" to get the students attention 
Organizing Equipment
  • 2 different monitors will be chosen each week to set up and take down equipment
  • monitors are responsible for finding out what equipment is needed prior to the next days lesson
Organizing for safety
  • proper strip will be worn in order to ensure safety and establish proper protocol
  • unreasonable/unsafe behaviour will be dealt with appropriate action
  • any loose balls or miscellaneous equipment not being used will be the monitors responsibility to put away