Bean-bag toss with hoops

Tactical Problem:  Throwing the bean bag into the target.

Skill Development:  Throwing motion, aiming.
Teaching Points


  • Release at high point
  • Begin forward movement with the throw
  • Non racquet foot forward
  • Throwing motion just like a baseball pitch, lead with elbow
  • Trunk rotation while throwing
Click here for demonstration
Organizational Points

  • In partners, number yourselves one and two
  • One's get two hoops, two's get a bean-bag and a cone
  • Place hoops 15 meters apart, with cone centered in middle of two hoops
  • Each student stands behind the hoop taking turns trying to throw the bean-bag into the opposite hoop
  • After throw, player runs to cone in middle and returns to hoop
  • Bean bag must be thrown above head height
  • Increase distance between hoops
  • Play for points
  • Rewards for getting it in hoop- ex.  don't have to run to cone
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