Cone Flipper

Tactical Problem:  Flip over as many cones as you can

Skill Development:  Side stepping, lunging, moving all directions
Teaching Points
  • Stay low for more time to flip cones
  • Flip cones on the move, don't stop
  • Flip cones in open space
  • Push off outside foot
  • On balls of feet
  • Bend at knees and waist
Click here for demonstration
Organizational Points
  • Divide class into 2 teams:
                       -team 1 = cones facing up
                       -team 2 = cones facing down
  • Flip as many cones for your team
  • Play for 30 second intervals then count up the cones for each team
  • Rules: 
            - cannot flip the same cone twice in a 
            - must find a new cone each time


  • Increase playing area
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