
Tactical Problem:  Keep the shuttle in the air

Skill Development:  Hitting the shuttle with hands, moving to where the shuttle is hit
Teaching Points
  • Hit high for more time
  • Get body behind the shuttle
  • Ready position so can adjust to movement of the shuttle
  • Tap shuttle with and open palm
  • Flick wrist as contact the bird
Click here for demonstration

Organizational Points
  • In pairs need one shuttle and two cones
  • Place cones 1-2 yards apart
  • Partners pass shuttle back and forth between the cones trying not to let the shuttle touch the ground
  • Rules: 
              - can only use hands
              - shuttle must be hit above waist 


  • Increase distance between cones
  • Shuttle doesn't have to go above waist height
  • To make the game harder for some students place another set of cones further apart to increase playing space while keeping the original cone distance for weaker students.
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