Net shots with partner feeding

Tactical Problem:  To get the shuttle into the court and trap your opponent down low under so that he/she is forced to lift the shuttle up and short giving you the chance to attack.

Skill Development:  Lunging, net shot, consistency
Teaching Points
  • Closer the shuttle is to the net the harder it is to return
  • Slice the shuttle to make it tumble over the net
  • Racquet face parallel to the floor
  • Lunge with racquet foot
  • Hit and land with foot at same time
Click here for demonstration
Organizational Points
  • In pairs one feed while the other practices 10 forehand then 10 backhand net shots
  • Each pair needs 3-5 shuttles
  • Have them practice the motion of lunging while presenting the racquet without hitting a shuttle
  • Move back to center line after every net shot and alternate forehand and backhand shots
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