Rally using underhand clear and touching cone near net after every hit

Tactical Problem:  Hit the shuttle high and deep in order to find time to readjust your position on the court

Skill Development:  Underhand clear, consistency
Teaching Points
  • Hit high and deep for more time
  • Keep eye on shuttle when repositioning yourself
  • Quick court coverage off the shuttle
  • Step towards shuttle with non racquet foot
  • Cock arm back and extend through the shuttle
  • Snap wrist forward on contact with the shuttle
Organizational Points
  • In pairs each place a cone on their side of the net (about 1-2 yards away from net, in the middle of the court) 
  • One person serves and then continuous underhand clears are used 
  • After each hit the person must go to the cone and recover back to return the next shot
  • Have cones farther away from net, so the players don't have to cover so much court space
  • Have players run right up to net and then back
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