Wall Ball

Tactical Problem:  Keep the ball bouncing off the wall with one hit

Skill Development:  The motion of the underhand clear (upward swinging motion with arm)
Teaching Points
  • Anticipating where the ball will be on next shot
  • Changing the force put on the ball
  • Using angles to keep ball away from opponent
  • Keep knees slightly bent
  • Contact the ball in front of the body
  • Follow through on hit
Click here for demonstration
Organizational Skills
  • In pairs, number off one and two, with one's getting two cones and two's getting a ball
  • Place cones 10 yards away from wall and 5-10 yards apart for width (to create a square)
  • One player serves the ball off of the wall and the players take turns afterwards
  • The ball must travel above head height off of the wall and can only be hit using an underhand motion with either hand
  • The ball can only bounce once off of the ground inside the square and then the other partner must hit it before it bounces again
  • If the ball lands outside the square then a point is awarded to the player who was supposed to hit next.
  • If the ball hits the ground more than once after landing inside the square on the first bounce, then a point is awarded to the player who last hit it off of the wall
  • Points can be awarded on every rally
  • Ball can bounce more than once inside square
  • Can score a point by getting the ball to bounce on a cone placed in the middle of the square
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