Key ideas and terms used in the criterion referenced assessment process

Ball sense Application - A natural reaction to moving ball in order to perform a skill.

Criterion Referenced - Reference an individual’s performance to a criterion. That is, a criterion-referenced test is used to ascertain an individual’s status with regard to a well-defined behaviour domain.

Criterion Related Validity - The assessment attempts to predict a person’s performance in a subsequent situation from the individual’s performance in a test. The situation relates to playing in a game of tennis, the test being used to isolate the skill under consideration.

Feed: A cooperatively fed ball from one player to another. The feed allows the hitting player to practice on a particular skill.

Fundamentals of Volleyball:

Basic elements contained in each shot:
Phases of a skill 
Key points within phases of a skill
  • Preparation
  • Watch the ball and balance
  • Wind-up
  • Contact choice
  • Force generation
  • Contact execution
  • Follow-through
  • Recovery
  •  General principles of play progression

    Pressing Zones
    Whereever opponents are not

    Spatial Awareness
    Awareness of the ball in relation to space.