Catch touch-down toss Game

Tactical Problem:   Movement to ball and back to base position
Skill development:  Accurate forearm passing to target

Teaching Points:


  • Quick movement from base position and back
  • Placing shots into open space
  • Eyes on chest of opponent to help anticipate their shot 
  • Athletic position (feet shoulder width apart and keep low)
  • Square to target
  • Shuffle step
  • Accurate tosses
Catch touch-down toss Game Diagram

  Catch touch-down toss Game Diagram


Organizational Points: 
  • Group into pairs with one ball
  • Two cones approx. five feet apart
  • Students rally between cones using underhand, two handed toss
  • Prior to each toss students must touch the ball to the ground between feet
  • Tosses must be above shoulder height
  • Students score points by eluding opponent allowing the ball to bounce

Guided discovery questions:

Q:  What position allowed for greatest court coverage?
A:  Centered between and back from cones.
Q:  How were you able to score points on your opponent?
A:  By placing shots into open space


sand in your mouth