Continuous forearm pass shuttle Game 

Tactical Problem:   Keeping the rally going by making accurate passes between lines

Skill development:
 Accurate forearm passing to target

Teaching Points:


  •   Keeping the rally going by passing accurately
  • Quick movement after making passes to other line
  • Be set to receive pass early

  • Athletic position (feet shoulder width apart and keep low)
  • Square to target
  • Accurate forearm passes


                       Continuous forearm pass shuttle game in six's
Game diagram


Organizational Points: 
  • Divide students into groups of six (modifications can be made depending on numbers)
  • The lines should be about 10 feet apart facing each other
  • Groups should be spread out around the gym
  • One ball per group
  • Students are to rally back and forth between lines using forearm passes
  • Once a pass is made that student runs to the back of the opposite line
  • Each group counts the number of consecutive passes for each rally and keeps track of their best one - these results will be compared to the other groups
  • For a successful pass to be counted it must be a forearm pass
Guided discovery questions:

Q:  How were you able to extend the rally's?
A:  By quick movement between lines and into the ready position and passing accurately.
Q:  Where was the best place to pass the ball to make it easier for teammates to return?
A:  In front of them, at a good height, and to their hands.
