Pass and move Game

Tactical Problem:  Quick movement into position and accurate forearm passes
Skill development: Accurate forearm passing to target

Teaching Points:


  • Quick movement into position and making accurate forearm passes
  • Quick movement after making passes
  • Be set to receive toss early
  • Athletic position (feet shoulder width apart and keep low)
  • Square to target
  • Accurate forearm passes

    Pass and move Game
 Game diagram


Organizational Points:
  • Divide students into groups of three
  • Two balls per group
  • Game starts with a toss to the passer ("P" on the diagram) in the base position
  • After the pass the passer sprints up and touches the tosser's foot
  • The passer retreats diagonally back to the next base position, when the passer is about half way the second tosser tosses the next ball
  • After the second pass the passer sprints to behind the second tosser
  • The passer then shuffles in a ready position behind the 
  • When the passer passes the first tosser they back pedal back to the start position
  • Repeat this five times and then rotate within the group
  • To score points each passer should count the successful passes back to the tosser which they are able to catch
  • Students compare their scores within their groups
Guided discovery questions:
Q:  What were the keys to making successful passes back to ?tosser's
A:  Quick movement into ready position and being square to target.

              good form