Set and weave Drill

Tactical Problem:  Quick movement to base position and accurate overhead passes
Skill development:  Accurate overhead passes

Teaching Points:


  • Quick footwork to base position
  • Quick movement to ensure being square to target and being set early
  • Sending accurate accurate passes to target
  • Athletic position (feet shoulder width apart and keep low)
  • Square to target
  • Accurate overhead passes

  Set and weave Drill
 Game diagram


Organizational Points: 
  • Divide students into groups of four
  • Each group will have three cones and three balls
  • The cones will be set up in a line about six feet apart and a tosser will stand with a ball in front of each cone about ten feet away
  • As shown in the diagram - the passer will weave through the cones but will be making an overhead pass from each one
  • Tossers will toss a ball towards the base position at each cone prior to the passer arriving there
  • The passer will make the overhead pass back to the tosser who tossed it and move to the next cone
  • Once the passer has made a pass from each cone the group rotates one spot as shown in the diagram
  • Passers receive a point every time they make an accurate pass back to the tosser so they are able to catch it
  • Each person will go through three times and count all there points - they will compare points within their groups
  • This can be modified depending on numbers by increasing the number of tossers within each group

Guided discovery questions:

Q:  How were you able to make consistent accurate passes back to the tossers?
A:  By using quick footwork to get set before the tosses arrived.



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