Triad pass and set Game

Tactical Problem:  Accurate set to hitter from a toss or forearm pass
Skill development:  Accurate overhead passes

Teaching Points:


  • Receiving toss or pass while being square to target
  • Sending accurate passes to target
  • Athletic position (feet shoulder width apart and keep low)
  • Square to target
  • Accurate overhead passes

Triad pass and set Game
 Game diagram


Organizational Points: 
  • Divide students into groups of three
  • Each group will have one ball
  • Students within the group will line up in a triangle formation on half the court as shown in the above diagram
  • One student will be the tosser, one the setter, and one the hitter
  • The tosser will toss the ball from the back row to the setter at the net, the setter will set the ball to the hitter, the hitter will jump up and catch the ball above the height of the net
  • The group must execute this combination to receive a point
  • After five try's the group will rotate one position for a total of fifteen attempts
  • Groups will count their points and compete against the other groups in the class
  • In order for players of different heights to catch the ball above the net groupings should be done with students of similar heights and different net heights can be used as shown in the diagram
  • To extend the task the hitter can toss the ball to the passer who then forearm passes the ball to the setter
Guided discovery questions:
Q:  How were you able to set the ball to make it possible for the hitter to catch the ball above the net?
A:  By receiving the toss square to hitter and placing an accurate pass close to hitter above net height.


Modified net heights

    Modified net heights

jump set

              ready set spike