Overhand toss Game

Tactical Problem:  Overhand toss with accuracy to score points
Skill development:   Hitting with accuracy and power

Teaching Points:


  • Overhand tosses with accuracy to score points
  • Proper arm motion to ensure accuracy
  • Using the right amount of force to ensure accuracy 
  • Accurate hitting
  • Hitting with power
  • Correct arm motion
  • Proper follow through
  • Correct footwork
  • Proper body position

 Overhand toss Game
 Game diagram


Organizational Points: 
  • Divide students into pairs
  • Each pair gets one ball and two hula hoops
  • Students will place one hula hoop at each end of court as shown in the diagram above
  • Students will toss the ball overhand from their end and try and make it land within the boundary of opponents hoop
  • Each successful shot is worth a point and partners will compete
  • Play for 5 minutes counting points
  • If the class has an odd number one group can be three using rotation
  • To modify - hula hoops can be place closer together
Guided discovery questions:
Q:  How were you able to make accurate throws?
A:  By using proper arm and body motions and proper footwork.


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