Catch and hit Game

Tactical Problem:  Setting and hitting within modified game play
Skill development:  Hitting with power and accuracy

Teaching Points:


  • Communication with teammates
  • Anticipation of where opponent will hit ball
  • Quick footwork into ready position
  • Setting up offense
  • Optimal court coverage on defense
  • Hitting ball with power into space where opponents are not

  • Athletic position (feet shoulder width apart and keep low)
  • Square to target
  • Quick movement
  • Accurate tosses
  • Accurate sets
  • Accurate hits with power

 Catch and hit Game

 Game Diagram

Organizational Points: 
  • Divide students into groups of four of similar heights
  • Students will play 4 v 4 games
  • Each team will have two catcher/tosser's, a setter, and a hitter (as shown on the diagram)
  • The back row players are the catcher/tosser's and they attempt to catch the ball sent over by the opponents attack, if they catch the ball they toss it to the setter who sets it to the hitter, the hitter hits the ball over the net at the opponents who attempt to accomplish the same in return
  • To score points a team must use a toss, a set, and a hit and the hit must land in the opponents court without them being able to catch it
  • Scoring is done using the rally point system and players rotate after a side out
  • Play is started and restarted using an underhand serve from the back of the court
  • Depending on numbers teams could have three or one back row players depending on skill levels
  • Nets of different heights can be used for the various sized students in the class
Guided discovery questions:
Q:  When attacking, how were you able to elude the players in the back row?
A:  By hitting the ball with power into open space.


  Modified net heights

     Modified net heights

                      here comes da bomb

                       look out!