High-five Game

Tactical Problem:  Footwork for approach to hitting and timing of jump
Skill development:  Hitting with power and accuracy

Teaching Points:


  • Communication with partner
  • Timing of approach and jump with partner
  • Smacking partners hand while in the air
  • Good hand-eye coordination
  • Proper approach and take off
  • Timing of jumps
  • High arm reach and swing
  • Hitting with power and accuracy

High-five Game
 Game Diagram


Organizational Points: 
  • Divide students into pairs of similar heights
  • Have students stand opposing partner on either side of net near 3 metre line (as shown on diagram above)
  • Students will use a two step hitting approach to net
  • Students will communicate with partner the timing so the approach and jump are at the same time
  • The object is to smack hands over the net "High-five"
  • A point is won when a successful "High-five" is done
  • Each group will have 20 try's and will keep track of points and compare these to the other groups
  • If the numbers are uneven a group of three can be used with rotation
  • To accommodate the height differences, different height nets can be used as shown in the lower diagram

Guided discovery questions:

Q:  How were you able to achieve successful "High-fives" with partner?
A:  By communicating effectively with partner to time approaches and jumps.


  Modified net heights

  Modified net heights

     how high can you get?