Hit to score Game

Tactical Problem:  Hitting into open space to elude opponent
Skill development:  Hitting with power and accuracy

Teaching Points:


  • Hitting into open space
  • Scoring points by hitting with power and accuracy
  • Hitting the ball in a correct manner to ensure accuracy
  • Anticipating where opponent will hit ball
  • Quick movement from base position

  • Hitting with power and accuracy
  • Proper arm motion for hitting
  • Correct foot forward when hitting
  • Striking the ball with proper hand position
  • Quick footwork


  Hit to score Game

 Game Diagram

Organizational Points: 
  • Divide students into pairs
  • Each group will have one ball and eight cones to make two scoring zone rectangles (as shown on the diagram)
  • The distance between scoring zones can be varied depending on skill levels
  • Students stand behind their scoring zones
  • Students will toss the ball up to self and hit the ball into opponents scoring zone
  • Students score points by hitting the ball into their opponents scoring zone and having the ball pass by opponent with them being unable to catch it
  • If the numbers are uneven a group of three can be used with rotation
  • Games will be played for 5 minutes and partners will play against each other

Guided discovery questions:

Q:  How were you able to elude opponent and score points?
A:  By hitting the ball with power into open space.

 don't blink or you will miss it