Block to Save Game

Tactical Problem:  Preventing opponent from scoring
Skill development:  Shuffle-step and good blocking technique

Teaching Points:


  • Students must move quickly from base position to effectively cover the scoring area
  • Leading shuffle-step with inside leg
  • Keeping low during movement
  • Two foot takeoff
  • Arm swing for maximum vertical lift
  • At highest point of jump fully extend arms

block to save game
  Block to save Game
 Game Diagram


Organizational Points: 
  • Divide students into pairs according to height.  Shorter students play on courts with modified nets to increase success
  • One ball per pair
  • Tosser stands on the three meter line and blocker stands an arms length away from the net
  • Tosser attempts to score by eluding the blocker, the ball must pass through the scoring area to score
  • Blocker attempts to score by blocking the tossers attempt at scoring and forcing the ball down on the tossers side of the net
  • Switch roles of students after allotted time
Guided discovery questions:
Q: What would allow you to block a high percentage of the tosses?
A: By moving quickly to the ball.

Modified net heights with scoring area
Modified net heights

      like a brick wall