Eastern forehand grip (Hopper, 2000)
Note that the eastern grip is popular with beginners and is widely used with forehands because of its comfort.  The grip can also be used to hit backhands, serves and volleys
Here is how to make the grip:

   1.Hold the racket in front of you in your left hand (or right hand if you're a left-handed player).
   2.Rotate the racket so that the face (strings) of the racket is perpendicular to the ground.
   3.Lay the palm of your free hand flat on the face of the racket.
   4.Move your palm toward your body, down the shaft of the racket, until it hits the end of the handle.
   5.Wrap your fingers around the handle and space them slightly apart. Your thumb and forefinger should lie almost directly on top of the handle, forming a V that points toward
your right shoulder (toward your left shoulder if you're left-handed). Your thumb should lie across the top of the handle.

 Tips: An eastern grip is also called a "handshake grip" - it's like shaking hands with your racket.