BLOCK PLAN - Four lesson VOLLEYBALL unit

The block plan is an outline of a potential progression for the unit.
Links on block plan go to task/game sheets.  The task/game sheets contain teaching points, organization pointers, diagrams and images or video clips.

Lesson 1
Tactical Problem

Positioning and anticipating where the ball will go. 
Lesson focus:  staying low, releasing, and covering open space 
Introductory task/game

  • in partners, students passing ball back and forth
  • line game  
Skill/Concept development tasks/games

  • 1 on 1 game over space (allow a bounce as a simplification)
Culminating Game:   2 vs 2 (over space or badminton net) 
  • ball must go above head height
  • allow one catch or bounce per side
  • only 3 hits per side
  • start with a rainbow toss

Lesson 2
Tactical Problem

Positioning and using forearm pass to play ball to target.  
Lesson focus:  performing the forearm pass accurately
and correctly
Introductory task/game

  • volleyball freeze tag
  • 2 vs 2
Skill/Concept development tasks/games

  • forearm pass to self (allow a bounce if necessary)
  • forearm pass with a partner (play to cooperate, and then play to compete)
Culminating Game: 2 vs 2
  • game starts with rainbow toss
  • ball must go above head height
  • only 3 hits per side
  • allow a bounce or catch if necessary

Lesson 3
Tactical Problem

Positioning and using forearm pass to play ball to target. 
Lesson focus: performing the forearm pass correctly and accurately 
Introductory task/game

Skill/Concept development tasks/games

Culminating Game: 3 vs 3
  • game starts with rainbow toss
  • first pass must go to target
  • only 3 hits per side 
  • allow a catch or one bounce per side if needed
  • each player must hit ball before it goes over (if students are ready)

Lesson 4
Tactical Problem

Setting up to attack.
Lesson focus: introducing the overhead pass 
Introductory task/game

  •  in partners passing volleyball back and forth
  • 3 vs 3  
Skill/Concept development tasks/games

Culminating Game: 3 vs 3 
  • game starts with rainbow toss
  • only 3 hits per side
  • get a point with a successful pass to setter and a set to the hitter
  • allow a catch or one bounce per side if needed
  • each player must hit ball before it goes over