Four lesson volleyball unit
The block plan is an outline of a potential progression for the unit.
Links on block plan go to task/game sheets.
The task/game sheets contain teaching points, organization pointers, diagrams and images or video clips.

Lesson 1 
Tactical Problem: Understanding how to position yourself in relation to the ball.

Lesson focus:  Forearm Pass

Introductory task/game:
Bounce and move 
Castle game  Tossing only

Skill/Concept development tasks/games:
Quick Demo of the forearm pass and key points
Castle game This time using the forearm pass. 
Partner pass and catch.
Partner pass continuous passing. 

Culminating Game: 
Castle Game  This time keep score.

Lesson 3 
Tactical Problem: Placing the ball in unoccupied space

Lesson focus: Forearm pass and movement 

Introductory task/game:
Keep it up!

Skill/Concept development tasks/games
Partner pass and catch tossing left and right.
Partner pass continuous passing.
Partner pass continuous passing with movement.

Culminating Game:
Controlled 4 vs. 4   First contact forearm pass to 'setter' then tossing


Lesson 2
Tactical Problem:  Acheiving three hits before sending the ball over the net.

Lesson focus: Forearm pass to a target 

Introductory task/game
Castle Game  Forearm pass right away.

Skill/Concept development tasks/games
Castle Game Groups of four
Pass and Catch Three Contacts

Culminating Game: 
Controlled 4 vs. 4  Tossing only


 Lesson 4 
Tactical Problem: Deciding which type of pass (forearm or overhead) is appropriate for the situation.

Lesson focus: Overhead Pass

Introductory task/game:
Keep it up! This time keep score.

Skill/Concept development tasks/games
Volley on belly!
Partner pass and catch.
Partner pass continuous passing using both overhead and forearm pass.

Culminating Game: 
Controlled 4 vs. 4  Focus on three contacts.
