References and Links
(click on the image)

VVA  Victoria Volleyball Association Homepage

VVA Logo Vancouver Island Volleyball Association Homepage

BCVA Logo   British Columbia Volleyball Association Homepage

Volleyball Canada Logo Volleyball Canada Homepage

Tim's Picture  Tim Hopper's Webpage

PE IRP Logo PE IRP Grades K - 7

PE IRP Logo  PE IRP Grades 8 - 10

PE IRP Logo  PE IRP Grades 11 - 12

Thank you to:
Mr. John Lauvaas and his grade 4/5 class at Braefoot Elementary for allowing us to come and work with them.
Kristina Klein, Jamie Miller and Tim McLernon for helping with the video clips.
Dr. Tim Hopper for all the knowledge he imparted to us through lectures and classroom activities.
The PE 452 students who came before us for all the great ideas in their websites.


Alison, S., & Thorpe, R. (1997). A comparison of the effectiveness of two approaches to teaching games within physical education.  A skills approach versus a games for understanding approach. The British Journal of Physical Education, 28(3), 9-13.

Bunker, D., & Thorpe, R. (1986). From theory to practice. In R. Thorpe, D. Bunker & L. Almond (Eds.), Rethinking games teaching (pp.11-14). Loughborough: University of Technology, Loughborough.

Doolittle, S. (1986). Reflecting on an innovation. In R Thorpe, D.Bunker, & L Almond (Eds.) Rethinking games teaching (pp.53-55). Loughborough: University of Technology Loughborough.

Griffin, D., Placek, J.P., & Tremino, F. (2001). Chapter 4. Middle school students' conceptions of soccer: Their solutions to tactical problems. Journal of Teaching Physical Education, 20 (4), 324.

Griffin, L.L., Mitchell, S.A., & Oslin, J.L. (1997) Teaching Sport Concepts and Skills: A Tactical Games Approach.  Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

Hopper, T. (2002). Four R's for tactical awareness:Applying game performance assessment in net/wall games. Teaching Elementary Physical Education, (in press).

Hopper, T. (1998). Teaching games for understanding using progressive principles of play. CAHPERD, 27 (1), 1-5.

Rink, J. (1998). Teaching concepts and content-specificpedagogy. Teaching Physical Education for Learning (pp.281-292). Boston: WCB McGraw-Hill.
