Grid Game: 3 Houses

Task Progression for modified games


To move around the grid, filling the 3 houses (3 corner positioning) to make successful passes past the defender.


1.Players must fill the three houses, which make up the two corners on either side of the passer (therefore, passes may not be made across the grid).

2.Players must move and pass from the perimeter of the grid. 

3.The defender may move within the grid.

Tactical Awareness:

This game challenges students to get into position to give the passer two well-spaced options for passing.  Students have to think about where to move according to the ball.  This game also introduces the concept of defense and where to be positioned in a 3 on 1 situation.

Off-the ball movements:

Base: In ready position to receive the ball.

Decision Making: Where to make the pass and where to run.

Adjust: Moving to the open space and getting back to base.

Guarding: Getting self between the ball and player.

Support: Help teammate by being in a good position to receive the ball.

On-the ball Skills:

Sending (passing).

Receiving (catching).

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