Throughout this unit it is expected that students' psychomotor, cognitive and affective/social skills will improve as they work to solve the tactical problems of lacrosse and develop specific techniques and skills.   The following entry and exit learning outcomes are based on the BC IRP’s and on our own experience teaching Lacrosse to this age group.

Psychomotor Learning Domain

Provided that most of the students have little to no previous experience playing lacrosse it is expected that

Entry level ability


-make successful passes and catches using their hands

-be able to make some successful passes with a stick while motionless

-be unable to make successful passes with a stick while moving

-have difficulty catching the ball with a stick

-have difficulty utilizing space to successfully receive a pass

-have difficulty moving with the ball (cradling)

Exit learning outcomes


-be familiar with how to use a lacrosse stick properly

-demonstrate correct base positioning

-complete successful passes while motionless

-complete successful passes while moving

-receive the ball with consistency

-move into space to receive the ball

-defend space from opponents

-scoop the ball from the ground

-advance the ball up the field by cradling

-(attempt to) score

Cognitive Learning Domain

Provided that most of the students have little to no previous experience playing lacrosse it is expected that

Entry level ability


-identify some parts of the stick correctly

-have general knowledge of the rules of the game

-understand the object of the game based on knowledge of similar games

Exit learning outcomes


-identify all parts of the stick correctly

-have a good understanding of the rules of the full game as well as modified games

-identify and find solutions to tactical problems such as movement into space to receive a pass or score, or to defend space from an opponent

Affective/Social Learning Domain

Provided that most of the students have little to no previous experience playing lacrosse it is expected that

Entry level ability


-follow established classroom routines and expectations such as coming to class on time and showing respect for classmates and teacher

-work co-operatively in pairs and small groups to execute drills/games

-demonstrate a positive attitude towards Physical Education

-include all members of the class in activities

Exit learning outcomes


-follow established classroom routines and expectations such as listening and respect for classmates and teacher

-follow specific expectations given for the unit such as appropriate and safe use of the lacrosse sticks

-work co-operatively in pairs and small groups to execute drills/games and to solve tactical problems

-provide feedback to peers using GPAI in a responsible and respectful manner

-display leadership skills in setting up activities and in providing feedback to peers

-be an active participate in discussions about the game of lacrosse

*TSWBAT= The student will be able to...