Complete Lesson -- paul_aynsley_lesson_1.doc

Tactical Problem: moving to proper space on court to properly defend and utilize a forearm pass 
Skill Focus: forearm pass
Introductory task/game 
Line Game - 1 vs. 1 progress to 2 vs. 2
Skill/Concept development tasks/games 
Partner Forearm Passing
1.	One partner catches and throws the other forearm passes the ball.
2.	Each partner is forearm passing but a bounce is allowed to provide more time.
3.	Each partner is forearm passing the ball back and forth.
Castle Game w/ forearm pass
Culminating Game Activity:  
2 vs. 2 Bounce Game w/ forearm passes
•	Incorporates off-the-ball movements w/ a partner and the forearm passBlock_Plan_files/paul_aynsley_lesson_1.docOn-the-Ball_Skills.htmlLine_Game.htmlCastle_Game.html2_vs._2_Bounce_Game.htmlshapeimage_2_link_0shapeimage_2_link_1shapeimage_2_link_2shapeimage_2_link_3shapeimage_2_link_4

Complete Lesson - paul_aynsley_lesson_2.doc

Tactical Problem: releasing to proper space on court to receive a pass from a teammate and send another pass 
Skill Focus: overhead pass 
Introductory task/game 
Line Game followed by Castle Game w/ forearm pass for review
Skill/Concept development tasks/games 
Partner Overhead Passing
1.	One partner catches and throws the other overhead passes the ball.
2.	Each partner is overhead passing but a catch or a bounce is allowed in order to control the ball or allow for more time.
3.	Each partner is overhead passing the ball back and forth.
Castle Game w/overhead pass
Game and culminating activity:  
2 vs. 2 Bounce Game w/ forearm pass and overhead pass
Incorporates off-the-ball movements as well as both the forearm pass and overhead pass.Block_Plan_files/paul_aynsley_lesson_2.docOn-the-Ball_Skills.htmlLine_Game.htmlCastle_Game.htmlCastle_Game.html2_vs._2_Bounce_Game.htmlshapeimage_3_link_0shapeimage_3_link_1shapeimage_3_link_2shapeimage_3_link_3shapeimage_3_link_4shapeimage_3_link_5
LESSON 3    

Complete Lesson - paul_aynsley_lesson_3.doc

Tactical Problem: releasing to net to receive a pass and send the ball over the net to opponent. 
Skill Focus: roll shot 
Introductory task/game 
Castle Game – review forearm and overhead passing
2 vs. 2 Bounce Game w/ forearm and overhead passes
Skill/Concept development tasks/games 
Singular and partner roll shots
1.	Toss ball up in the air and hit a roll shot against the wall, repeat (ball should contact on bottom half of palm, arm should be extended overhead, wrist should snap in follow through, ball should have forward spin).
2.	Partner tosses and catches ball while the other returns the ball with a roll shot.
3.	Rather than toss the ball from in front of partner the tosser stands to the side of their partner simulating where an overhead pass would come from in a game situation.  Roll shot is sent to the wall.
4.	If feeling confident then #3 can be recreated while a jump and/or run-up can be added.
Game and culminating activity: 
2 vs. 2 Bounce Game w/ forearm & overhead passes & roll shot
•	Incorporates off-the-ball movements along with forearm and overhead passes as well as roll shot as a point scoring hit.
Incorporates need for three hits/two passes.Block_Plan_files/paul_aynsley_lesson_3.docOn-the-Ball_Skills.htmlCastle_Game.html2_vs._2_Bounce_Game.html2_vs._2_Bounce_Game.htmlshapeimage_4_link_0shapeimage_4_link_1shapeimage_4_link_2shapeimage_4_link_3shapeimage_4_link_4

Complete Lesson - paul_aynsley_lesson_4.docx

Tactical Problem: sending the ball over the net to space to elude opponent
Skill Focus: underhand serve 
Introductory task/game 
2 vs. 2 Bounce Game w/ forearm, overhead passes & roll shot
•	Reiterates previously learned skills and tactics and gets the children moving and involved.
Skill/Concept development tasks/games 
Singular and partner underhand serves
1.	Underhand serve against the wall (step w/ opposite foot, hold ball in front of self, make contact with ball on forearm and below the waist, hand position is personal preference).
2.	Underhand serve to a partner who catches the ball and then returns it with a serve of their own.
3.	Same as above but add a net to hit the volleyball over.
4.	Underhand serve to a partner who returns the volleyball to the server with a forearm pass (w/ or w/o net).
Game and culminating activity: 
2 vs. 2 Bounce Game w/ all four skills from each lesson.
•	Incorporates off-the-ball movements.
•	Incorporates the serve to start and restart the game (must bounce before it can be returned)
•	Incorporates forearm/overhead passes and roll shot and when they should be used
•	Net absent so that no obstacle to sending the volleyball to the opponent is present and bounce still incorporated so that more time is given to react to the ball when it is sent.
Can lead into 2 vs. 2 volleyball and then team sizes can be increased. Block_Plan_files/paul_aynsley_lesson_4.docxOn-the-Ball_Skills.html2_vs._2_Bounce_Game.html2_vs._2_Bounce_Game.htmlshapeimage_5_link_0shapeimage_5_link_1shapeimage_5_link_2shapeimage_5_link_3