Field Hockey Unit Plan


Lesson 2: Passing

Manager Hockey (2006). Field Hockey Passing (Video clip).  Retrieved March 20, 2009 from

Task & Progressions

Shark Attack

A continuation on the follow the leader drill. Each player has a ball and moves around the space. After a 1-2 min warm up, game goes live, try to knock other player’s balls out of the area. Once your ball is knocked out you are on the perimeter, you can re-enter the game if you can steal someone’s ball from the sideline.

P1-make the space smaller

P2-make the space narrower so that players on the sideline are more involved

P3-use a time limit to encourage a faster pace

Square Passing

2 groups of 4 to a grid, each group lined up at the cone diagonally across from each other. Student dribbles ball to cone in front of them and passes ball to student at the front of the other line, then feeds into that line

P1 -Have a 2 min competition between grids to see how many successful passes were made (speeds movement up)

P2-use 2 balls instead of 1 (more player involved, faster pace)

P3-Advanced – change directions, so they have to turn to pass or rotate stick

3 vs 1 Passing Drill

4 players to a square grid. 3 passers – must stay on the perimeter. 1 defense – must have 2 hands on the stick and cannot crowd the passer. Once the perimeter play has the ball they cannot move, forcing the other 2 to get open.

If 5 successful passes are made, the offenders get a point and the defender switches.

P1-make grid smaller if it is too easy

P2-make the amount of passes needed in order to get a point greater or less depending on difficulty.

P3-can only hold the ball for 2 sec to speed the game up

5 vs 3 Single Goal Game

5 are on offense 3 on defense, rotate players through positions. This advantage allows more time to move with the ball and pass. Must make 3 passes before you can score. If ball goes out opposing team gets the ball.

P1-make the goal smaller to encourage more movement

P2- change the rules so that in order to score they must dribble through the goal

P3-if offense is very successful then change teams to 4v3 or 3v3

Objectives (SWBAT)

Cognitive: Move to space that allows for successful passes to be made.

Associative: Work with teammates to create efficient passes.

Psychomotor: Make passes to teammates at different lengths to reach teammates during games.  Hold the stick in a way that limits soreness.


Use all the space

Keep your head up

Bend your knees

Don’t use your feet

Don’t use the back of the stick

keep head up

have your stick out and ready

call for the ball

try laying the stick down to trap the ball (example)

move to the open spot

call for the ball

have your stick ready

call for the ball

have your stick ready

move to the open space

For an additional break down of the push pass: click here

On-the-Ball Skill: Passing

Push Pass:

Basic Grip

Hands apart

Keep low

Ball in contact with stick constantly

Transfer weight and follow through

Stick on the ball as long as possible

See video for more details of different passes

On-the-Ball Skill: Receiving

Stick low to the ground

Stick gives a little at contact

Ball on right side of the body

Angle stick to control the ball

Scan the pitch

See video for more details of different receiving scenarios

Manager Hockey (2006). Field Hockey Receiving (Video clip).  Retrieved March 20, 2009 from