Step One:
Straddle one leg, you will cross your opponent’s other leg over this leg. The outside knee will block any movement from your opponent’s leg.

Step Two:
Reach above your opponent’s knee with your outside arm and apply pressure to their hamstring with your shoulder.

Step Three:
Change your hand position; outside hand takes place of inside hand, which now moves to take a grasp of your opponents other leg above the knee.


Step Four:
Use your knee that is on the mat to scoop your opponent’s near leg under their other leg.


Step Five:
Slide your hand down to their ankle locking their legs in a crossed position.


Step Six:
Your palm moves up their leg as you rotate them onto their back.



  1. Demonstrate using effective cues:
  2. Using command style teaching, direct class to try with a partner
  3. Once everyone has tried it, drill the move by allowing the students to wrestle live from the crossed ankle position. Note, this is an effective way to measure learning and ability.