UNIT: Wrestling                                                          GRADE: 4-5 Co-ed

TIME: 50 minutes                                                        LESSON#: 1



THEME: Parterre and prone position and movement & positioning.

EQUIPMENT: Wrestling mats


TACTICAL PROBLEM: Maintain good ground wrestling position.








2 min


1 min


2 min



10 :40

Organization and Administration

1. Students are organized into the activities they have chosen - in this case wrestling

2. Instructors will introduce themselves, the topic of wrestling, and expectations

3. Students will be introduced to basic safety concerns



2. Students will be informed about the different psychomotor, cognitive, and affective expectations.

3. See safety concerns summary on supervision, activity, selection, and environment (stop command, attire, etc.).


5 min


5 min


Introductory Activities (warm-up):

1. Circle routine

Stretch (dynamic):

2. Aerobic wrestling stretch



1. Warm up #2 – refer to warm up summary

2. Aerobic, dynamic stretch focusing on necks, shoulders, groin, and hamstrings


1 min




1 min




3 min











3 min










1 min


1 min



Introductory Game:

1 Arm Wrestling:




2. Leg Wrestling




3. Clear the Fort











4. Retrieve










5. Turn the turtle (turtle can’t move)


6. Turn the turtle (turtle can move)

1. The competitors lie on their stomachs facing each other with their right or left arms ready to wrestle. The winner is the wrestler who forces their opponents hand to touch his free arm.

2. The two wrestlers lie on their back, side by side, with heads pointing in opposite directions. The nearest arms are joined, and calves are joined in the air. On the count of three they try to pull the other over.

3.: The class is divided into two teams and each team is placed at opposite edges of the mat. The wrestlers on one team are told to construct a secure, impregnable fort out of their bodies by grabbing, hooking, and holding their bodies tightly together. On signal, the other team tries to dismantle the fort until it has been completely broken apart. Now switch teams.  The winning team is the team which holds their fort intact the longest according to the coaches time.

4. Wrestlers are divided into two groups and placed at opposite sides of the mat and numbered. A medicine ball is rolled down the center of the mat and when a number is called the two who have that number crawl out on their hands and knees and try to crawl back to their own side with the ball. The winning team is the team that brings the ball back to their side the most times.


5. One person starts on top, and on go, they try to turn their partner onto their back in any way.

6. Same as above.


1 min


1 min




Question Period:

1.        Why wouldn’t you want to get turned?


2.      How can you “turn the turtle” successfully?


1.  You want to maintain a strong defensive position.


2.   Push, pull, etc.  You want to have good control position in order to move your partner.


4 min














4 min












Skill Development/Concept:

1. Introduce and demonstrate the parterre position













2. Introduce and demonstrate the prone position



1. Demo parterre position and then students try.

2. Touch 4 edges in the parterre position.

3. Demo control for parterre position and students try.

4. Partner in parterre position tries to move away from partner in prone position.


Cues for parterre: Hands and knees (wide base for balance, but narrow enough to move), hands at shoulder width, toes curled.

Cues for parterre control: Squatting, in tight, hands on partner’s back


1. Demo prone position and then students try.

2. Touch 4 edges in the prone position.

3. Demo control for prone position and students try.

4. Partner in prone position tries to move away from partner in prone position.


Cues for prone: Starfish with head and shoulders up.

Cues for prone control: Sit on their back, knees on the mat, hands on partner’s back



2 min

2 min


2 min


2 min


Culminating Activity: 

1. Play turn the turtle

  1. Parterre position
  2. Prone position

Cool down:

2. Portion of warm up

Stretch (static):

3. Reciprocal Style


1. One person starts on top, and on go, they try to turn their partner onto their back in any way

2. Jogging in a circle, may add different footwork steps

3. Focus on necks, shoulders, groin, and hamstrings


2 min


1 min



1. Review class


2. Participation and handout



1. Quick summary of class and new material

2. Give handout on summary of new technique